
Discover Energy
Discover Energy has officially opened in Victoria. From 16 February 2021, Discover Energy will rollout their great-value, fuss-free plans and famous personalised, multilingual services for Victorian households and businesses across the state. While only electricity plans are currently on offer for Victorian customers, Discover Energy has plans to rollout gas retail services for the state in April 2021. Discover Energy is also slated to open their Virtual Power Plant program for Victorian customers with solar & storage in March 2021.
Discover Energy’s expansion in Victoria marks a milestone for the energy retailer, which has rapidly expanded to almost every major Australian city in less than two years. The company also expects to open in WA in September 2021.
Discover Energy is noted for its personalised customer service and focus on multilingual markets, with energy sales consultants offering English, Chinese, Korean,Vietnamese, Japanese and Thai speaking-services. Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese speaking customers can access translated versions of the Discover Energy website and the Discover App. Customers can also access 1:1 customer service and energy consultation 24/7 through a range of social media platforms such as WeChat (including a fully-integrated Discover Energy app), Facebook, LINE, Kakao and Zalo.
Switch to Discover Energy for Smarter, Cheaper, Greener Energy. Visit https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/compare_plans or ring 1300 946 898 today
For a limited time only, when you refer a friend and they successfully sign up and switch, you get rewards! Choose between a $100 electricity credit just for you or split the rewards $50/$50 with your friend.
There’s no cap on number of friends you can refer, which means significant rewards for you if they switch! Simply send referral details to your account manager/energy consultant or get your friends to mention the promotion when they sign up.
Start referring and receiving credits! Send your referrals to your Discover Energy consultant, ring 1800 946 898 or via Facebook Messenger here: http://m.me/discoverenergy
Terms and Conditions
To qualify for the $50+$50 referral promotion, a customer must be referred to Discover Energy, and signed up to a Discover Energy service during the promotional event period (22.3.21-22.4.21). Upon the successful switch of the referred customer, the referrer is eligible for $100 electricity credits. During this promotion, the referrer can choose to collect the entire reward benefit ($100 electricity credit) or split the reward 50/50 with their referee ($50 electricity credit each), which will be applied according to the rules of the below credit schedule.
$50+$50 referral promotion rules:
1.The referrer must be a current customer of Discover Energy.
2. The $50 AUD electricity credit received by both customers will be applied following the below credit schedule:
$25 when the referee is switched, $25 when the referee continues to be a Discover Energy customer for 6 months. This schedule applies to both parties. If the referrer decides opts for the full $100 for themselves, the credit schedule will be $50 when the referee is switched, and the remaining $50 when the referee continues to be a Discover Energy customer for 6 months.
There is no upper limit for successful referrals during the promotional period. For example: If a customer refers 10 referees who successfully sign up and switch to a Discover Energy service, the referer will receive a $50 credit for each customer, or $500 dollar electricity credit to their account, if they choose to split the rewards.
The $50 electricity credit received by both parties are non-transferable, and both parties have the right to give up the reward.
During the promotional period, if either the referrer or the referee leaves Discover Energy for any reason, the other party is still eligible for the credit. However if the referee leaves Discover Energy, the referrer will only receive the amount of credits eligible according to the credit schedule. The referee will still receive the $50 credit for joining, even if the referrer leaves Discover Energy.
The $50 AUD electricity credit includes GST and cannot be exchanged for cash.
This activity does not conflict with Discover Energy’s “Share and Save promotion” ($30 credit for a social media share, $20 credit for 30 likes) and a customer is eligible to receive both rewards in tandem.
The promotion “$50+$50 referral promotion” will temporarily replace the existing “$60 referral promotion” for the promotional period. Customers cannot receive both rewards in tandem.
The final interpretation of promotional outcomes belongs to Discover Energy.
Discover Energy may, at its absolute discretion, either decline to apply the $50+$50 referral promotion or, if it has already been applied, remove the $50+$50 referral promotion credit from the relevant account where Discover Energy reasonably believes that the referrer or referee are taking unfair advantage of this offer.
Discover Energy understands that sometimes the unexpected occurs, such as a power outage.
Here is a guide to help prepare you for when power outages occur on your property, keeping you safe and informed until the moments the lights come back on.
Click here to download a pdf copy
I have a power outage at my property? What steps should I take?
Check-in with your neighbours to see if they have also lost power. This will clarify if the cause of the power outage is:
Your Power Outage is caused by a community grid issue
Call your electricity distribution company, or visit their website to determine the reasons for your power outage
Your Power Outage is caused by a factor specific to your property
Check if the safety switch has been tripped in your home. If your switch has not been tripped, call you energy retailer (Discover Energy) and your energy distribution company to find out if there are any relevant faults. If there are no current faults, you should engage a licensed electrician to do an electrical check for you.
Getting your power back on
Call your electricity distribution company. They are responsible for the physical delivery of your energy are are usually the best contact to enquire and request for a return to power. Most power outages are resolved by electricity distribution company.
What are the causes of power outages?
What do I need to prepare for a power outage?
What if I need an uninterrupted supply of power?
If you need an uninterrupted supply of power because you are on life support equipment or, have a medical condition that requires continuous power supply, you will need to be registered for life support with us. Please contact us to ensure your registration is complete. Check out our FAQ for more information.
If you have any other special needs that require uninterrupted supply, contact us on 1300 946 898.
For life-threatening emergencies please call 000.
전화: 0478 078 982 또는 0401 461 092
Facebook: Discover Energy KOR
kakao Channel: Discover Energy KOR 혹은 아래있는 QR code를 스캔하세요.
디스커버 에너지는 호주 교민들에게 한국어 홈페이지로 에너지 가입이 가능하게 만든 최초의 에너지 리테일러 입니다. 한국어 전문가가 일대일로 복잡한 에너지 요금체계를 설명드리고 요금절약 플랜을 찾아드립니다.
·한국어 서비스를 제공하는 호주 전기회사
한국인 에너지 전문가가 고객 한분 한분께 1:1 맞춤형 서비스로 언어 장벽 없이 고객님을 찾아갑니다. ( 카카오톡, 페이스북, 인스타그램, 전화) 호주의 높은 전기 가스 요금 및 복잡한 청구서로 고민하시는 고객 여러분께 우리의 에너지 전문가가 좀더 쉽고 친절하게 질문에 답해드립니다. 호주에서 처음으로 전기 가스를 가입하시나요? 고민하지 말고 한국어로 문의 하세요.
· 저렴한 에너지 요금
디스커버 에너지의 또 다른 자랑은 저렴한 요금과 편리한 서비스 입니다. 더이상 복잡한 에너지 청구서에 고민하지 마세요. 가장 최근 빌을 비교하여 고객님의 에너지 환경에 가장 알맞은 요금절약 플랜을 찾아드립니다.
·스마트한 이용환경
환경보호를 지향하는 디스커버 에너지는 100% 디지털 서비스를 지향합니다. 고객님의 에너지 사용량을 디스커버 에너지 앱을 통해(안드로이드 또는 애플) 모니터 할 수 있으며, 청구서 확인과 요금 납부도 가능합니다. 알렉사와 구글 스마트 홈 어시스턴트로 고객님의 스마트 홈 링크도 가능합니다.
·디스커버 에너지만의 프로모션
고객님께 더 가깝게 다가가고자 특별한 가입프로모션을 안내 드립니다. 한국인 에너지 전문가와 상담한 결과 고객님의 최근 빌과 비교하여 더 저렴한 플랜을 제시하지 못할경우 가입과 상관없이 $100 EFTPOS 카드를 드립니다.
Join the Discover Energy VPP (Virtual Power Plant) Membership Advantage Program and gain 25c solar FIT and the ability to trade battery energy on Discover Energy’s game-changing energy trading platform.
Exclusive LG Chem Offer: $100 Guaranteed VPP Smart Income!
New LG Chem (LV) installations who sign up to DE VPP network in October will receive a guaranteed VPP Smart Income of $100 over their first 12 months.
Become RE100: Discover Energy will also apply free 100% Accredited GreenPower to offset any of your consumption from the traditional energy grid until 31 December 2020, making your home 100% renewable energy for the rest of the year.
Adding a GoodWe inverter? Enjoy an additional $50 guaranteed VPP Smart Income
If you’ve added a GoodWe inverter to your new LG (LV) battery, Discover Energy will add an additional $50, increasing your guaranteed smart income to $150 over 12 months.
Hurry! Offer applies to the first 150 units only. NSW, SA, SE QLD only.
Want to join Discover VPP? Talk to a VPP expert: 1300 946 898 | 0422424064 or email sales_vpp@discoverenergy.com.au
First 150 units only. New installations from 1st September – 31st October only. NSW, SA, SE QLD only. LG Chem LV models only. LG Chem models that are compatible with GoodWe solar inverters are RESU 6.5, RESU10, RESU13.
Discover Energy is delighted to announce their partnership with AlphaESS, one of the leading energy storage solution and service providers in the globe. Discover Energy has worked with AlphaESS to allow full interface integration between AlphaESS hybrid inverters and Discover Energy’s virtual power plant (VPP) and energy trading platform. This means that customers with AlphaESS hybrid batteries—who are already enjoying savings through solar feed-in-tariffs and decreased reliance on the traditional electricity grid—can earn further income through energy trading and the selling of excess battery, thereby increasing the influx of renewable energy into the Australian energy market.
Launched by the founders of Australia’s largest solar distributor, One Stop Warehouse, Discover Energy has leveraged its extensive solar energy DNA to develop one of the world’s first energy trading platforms. The patented algorithm that drives Discover Energy’s trading platform utilises machine-learning, AI and deep solar data to develop electricity spot-price forecasting with unprecedented accuracy and facilitate optimised energy profits for Discover Energy VPP members. Notably, Discover Energy’s platform is the first of its kind to allow users to directly participate in electricity trading and make their own independent trades, however most users opt in to allow Discover Energy algorithm to make optimised trades on their behalf. In addition to energy trading, Discover Energy VPP members also enjoy uncapped 25c solar-feed-in tariffs*.
The objective of a Virtual Power Plant is to relieve the power flow load of the grid by smartly distributing the power generated by the individual units during periods of peak load. Additionally, the combined power generation and power consumption of the networked units in the Virtual Power Plant is traded on the energy exchange. In terms of many years’ storage data and flexible location of AlphaESS , Discover Energy VPP provides complete highly available, fail-safe and uninterrupted solution platform to customers who are interested by renewables.
“At Discover Energy, decentralised energy trading is a reality, not just a concept. Across Australia, our customers are making energy trades using their stored battery use and earning smart income from it. We are delighted to partner with AlphaESS in making VPP technology and energy trading accessible for their Australian customers” says Anson Zhang, CEO and founder of Discover Energy.
Founded in 2012, AlphaESS specializes in providing advanced energy storage products and intelligent energy management solution to the world, pursuing an ambitious goal to transform from a product manufacturer into a network provider.
As an energy storage system integrator covering full power range, AlphaESS has more than 100 patents in the ESS field and its products meets various international standards certified by the most prestigious testing authorities such as TUV Rheinland and SGS, making Alpha products successfully build a reputation of great quality and reliability. The company therefore has its competitive edge in multiple applications in both residential and commercial market, aiming to deliver the most cost-effective and fit-for-purpose solutions.
In 2015, AlphaESS established subsidiaries in Germany and Australia, followed by Italy, UK etc.. Nowadays, AlphaESS has over 10 branches providing local services and 40000+ systems actively running in 50+ countries, enabling millions of people to live with reliable, accessible and clean energy.
For more information on Discover Energy VPP visit https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/vpp or call 1300 946 898 or 0422424064
At Discover Energy, we help customers everyday to better understand their energy and assist them in accessing cheaper, smarter and greener energy. In this new series, we present answers to some of our most frequently asked questions the most important things you need to know about your electricity.
Why are my energy bills so high?
There are various reasons why your most recent energy bill might be very high. In fact, we wrote a whole article about it. But here’s a general breakdown of what makes up your energy bill, to help you understand how your bill is calculated.
Your energy bill is dependent on the tariff your plan is on. All energy plans have a fixed tariff known as the daily supply charge: this is a daily fixed rate that you pay for use of the network and is not affected by the amount of energy you use.
Your bill will also have variable charges based on your usage for the period. Here are the two most common tariffs you will be on.
In addition to one of the above tariffs, you might also have a control load tariff, which is a specific tariff for a specific appliance in your home such as an electric hot water system.
Want a more detailed explanation of a Discover Energy bill? Check it out here.
So why is my bill so high?
Your energy bill might be high because you’ve used a lot more energy during peak period. For example, due to COVID-19, many households are spending more time at home than they normally do, or the weather has been extreme so you’ve been using your air-conditioner or heater more than usual. Or perhaps you’ve been using your appliance which has a control-load tariff applied to it more than usual. Check that your energy offer is current, some offers only have limited benefits that expire after a set period. If your benefit period has expired, you may no longer be receiving a discount.
Smarter, Cheaper, Greener Energy
Check out our great-value electricity and gas plans or get a personalised energy quote today! Message us on Facebook to make the switch today or call us on 1300 946 898
Discover Energy is pleased to announce Virtual Power Plant (VPP) compatibility with GoodWe, leading global manufacturer of solar inverters and energy storage solutions. This means that GoodWe customers with batteries are now eligible to join Discover Energy’s VPP network, which allows them access to the cutting-edge technology of Discover Energy’s proprietary energy trading platform*.
Leveraging proprietary and patent-protected software and big data, Discover Energy’s energy trading platform executes exceptional electricity-price forecasting, leading to unprecedented revenue potential when customers sell their excess battery energy back to the electricity grid. While customers receive a guaranteed 25c/kwh for solar-feed-ins, the price for battery energy traded at optimal periods through Discover Energy’s platform can be significantly higher. Customers who allow Discover Energy’s platform to make trades on their behalf enjoy profit-sharing with Discover Energy, as well as the ability to cash in their credits.
GoodWe was founded in the year 2010 in the city of Suzhou and in just a few years has achieved a leading position in the global market and was ranked as Global No. 1 Hybrid Inverter Suppliers by Wood Mackenzie in 2019. GoodWe is notable for having the largest single phase inverter range in Australian market, as well as the largest storage range in the Australian market. GoodWe inverters feature inbuilt DC isolators in most models, and deliver high efficiency with all models above 97%. GoodWe listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange in September 2020 and has recently announced its exclusive partnership with General Electric (GE). GE solar inverters will be under the GoodWe management and guided by GE. GE has authorised GoodWe to use their brand for solar inverters globally and exclusive to GoodWe.
Discover Energy’s vision is to propel the speed of adoption of solar and battery in Australian households and businesses, thereby helping to increase the market-share of renewables in the electricity market and usher a cleaner, greener future for all. “Discover Energy’s trading platform, with its ability to access unprecedented electricity prices for battery users, allows its members to significantly reduce the length of return of investment of solar and battery. We are delighted to partner GoodWe and welcome GoodWe customers to join us in the exciting new frontier of electricity trading” says Anson Zhang, CEO and co-founder of Discover Energy.
For more information on Discover Energy VPP visit https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/vpp or call 1300 946 898 or 0422424064
*Discover Energy VPP is currently operational in NSW, SA, SE QLD and will open to VIC market in 2021
At Discover Energy, we help customers everyday to better understand their energy and assist them in accessing cheaper, smarter and greener energy. In this new series, we present answers to some of our most frequently asked questions the most important things you need to know about your electricity.
Here are two commonly asked questions from Discover Energy customers:
Why are my energy rates different than my friend, even though we live in neighbouring suburbs and use the same energy provider?
One of the main reasons why the rates of your energy plan are different is due to your household location, which determines which electricity distribution network you are connected to.
For example, here are the three distribution networks that serve NSW:
EndeavourEnergy | Area served – Southern & Western Metropolitan Sydney and surrounds including the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra. |
Ausgrid | Area served – Central Coast, Inner, Northern & Eastern metropolitan Sydney and surrounds |
Essential Energy | Area served – Country & regional NSW, Southern regional QLD |
Some networks incur more distribution costs than others. For example, the NSW suburb of Bankstown is part of the Ausgrid network and typically pays higher distribution costs than neighbouring suburb, Cabramatta, which is part of the Endeavour Energy network. Therefore, you will always need to provide your suburb to receive an energy comparison or energy quote.
Not sure who your distributor is? If you are not sure who your distributor is, you can find out by checking your bill or contacting your retailer.
Does the quality of energy change from provider to provider?
We’ve been asked by customers if it’s possible to pay for “premium” energy or if some retailers provide better quality energy than others. The short answer is no. Physical energy is purchased from the national energy market and the supply of your energy (how your household receives energy) is delivered and managed by your energy distribution network. While you may receive the occasional interruption to your energy due to such events as extreme weather or animal interference, overall, everyone receives the same quality and service, regardless of their distribution network or their retailer.
Moving from one retailer/provider to another, for example moving from AGL to Energy Australia, or to a new energy retailer as Discover Energy, will not affect the delivery or “quality” of your energy in any way. You will still receive the same safe, reliable energy by your energy distribution network, regardless of which retailer you choose.
Smarter, Cheaper, Greener Energy
Check out our great-value electricity and gas plans or get a personalised energy quote today! Message us on Facebook to make the switch today or call us on 1300 946 898