디스커버 에너지는 시드니에 본사를 둔 에너지 리테일 회사 입니다. 디스커버 에너지에서는 기존 리테일러들의 전통적인 시장 에너지 운영 방식과 차별 된 빅 데이터와 인공 지능을 활용한 기술로 고객들에게 더 스마트하고 저렴하며 친환경적인 에너지를 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
디스커버 에너지는 회사 설립부터 6개 다양한 언어를 (영어, 한국어, 일본어, 중국어, 베트남어, 타이어) 모국어로하는 세일즈팀을 운영하여 사용자와 리테일러간의 언어 장벽으로 인한 문제를 해결하였습니다. 또한 한국어 전용 앱을 보유한 호주 최초의 에너지 소매 회사이며 무엇보다 고객친화적인 다양한 고객 서비스를 제공하기 위해 항상 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
Why choose Discover Energy?
요금 세이빙 고객님께 알맞는 저렴한 맞춤 플랜으로 안내드립니다. 얼마나 절약 되는지 궁금하시죠? 최근 전기 가스 요금 청구서를 보내주시면, 고객 전용 맞춤 견적서로 안내드립니다!
안심 전환 에너지 회사 전환 시 기존 전력 사용에 영향 없습니다. 안심하세요, 리테일러 전환절차 시작 부터 완료까지 자세히 안내 드립니다.
편리한 이전절차 몇분이면 완료되는 간단하고 편리한 이전절차! 현재 사용중인 리테일러에게 통보하실 필요도 없습니다. 디스커버 에너지가 이전절차 원스탑으로 관리해드립니다
요금비교를 원하시면, 지금 연락 주세요! Facebook Message: DiscoverEnergykor Kakao Channel:DiscoverEnergykor
最近,Discover Energy 正式宣布与领先国际的储能品牌 LG Energy Solution 建立战略合作伙伴关系,并致力于为后续的新能源产业做出贡献。
用户可以通过参加 LG 储能计划,并且通过安装Sungrow、Goodwe 或 SolarEdge的混合逆变器,成为Discover Energy虚拟电厂 (Virtual Power Plant,简称“VPP”) 的一员,其中包括以极具竞争力太阳能回收价进入 Discover Energy 的市场。
LG Energy Solution 是 LG 集团公司的新成员,前身是 LG Chem 的电池部门,成立于 1947 年。作为跨多个行业的全球领先电池制造商,LG Energy Solution 不断创新,将用户的利益最大化。
LG 家用储能电池系列 RESU(Residential Energy Storage Unit)以高功率以及各种容量的高能量密度而著名。凭借多样化的逆变器兼容性,LG Energy Solution 客户可以安装不同的逆变器系统,以满足他们的需求。
此外,成为 Discover Energy VPP 的一部分还意味着可以参与到最先进的能源交易,以优惠的价格出售额外的电池能量。Discover Energy 的 VPP 还有一个令人兴奋的新功能是该平台能够在适当的市场条件下为VPP用户免费远程充放电,尽可能地保证了用户的利益最大化。
Discover Energy 于 2020 年在澳大利亚推出了首个能源交易平台,并且截止至目前为止,已经在南澳、新南威尔士州、维多利亚州、昆士兰州以及堪培拉拥有700多名 VPP 成员。
LG Energy Solution澳大利亚总经理Philip Crotty表示,
“LG Energy Solution是电池技术的创新者,我们很高兴能够与 Discover Energy 合作,让我们的电池能够为用户带来更多的价值。作为一家电力零售公司,Discover Energy不仅仅支持用户将储能电池里面的电在用电高峰期时以高价卖回给电网,还支持远程控制充放电,让用户可以从LG的家用电池中获得最佳收益。我们期待能够与Discover Energy建立长期且稳定的合作伙伴关系,共同为可再生能源革命做出贡献。”
Discover Energy首席执行官Anson Zhang表示,
“LG Energy Solution 是一个标志性的电池品牌,以以前沿的存储技术而闻名。我们很高兴他们的 RESU 系列目前与我们的 VPP 平台集成的四分之三的逆变器品牌兼容。这意味着除了停电保护和减少对传统能源的依赖之外,LG Energy Solution 客户可以享受加入 我们VPP 网络所带来的巨大利润潜力。我们期待与 LG Energy Solution 合作,提高对光伏存储的认识和采用,并帮助所有澳大利亚人开创更绿色的未来。”
另外,我们除了与LG Energy Solution合作以外,我们与SolarEdge、Goodwe、Huawei、Alpha·ESS和 Sungrow等多个品牌也有着密切的合作关系。未来,Discover Energy将携手各种逆变器以及电池品牌为绿色能源革命做出贡献。敬请期待!
有关 Discover Energy VPP 的更多信息,请访问https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/vpp
During Songkran (Thai New Year, February 2021) Discover Energy announced its commitment to sponsoring the build of a solar system for Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney. Discover Energy delighted to report that this installation has now been completed and that Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney is now generating clean, solar electricity as a result, as well as reducing their energy expenses!
Located in Berilee, NSW Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney provides essential support and outreach for the Thai community in Australia.
Since 2009, Aussie Hybrid Solar have been helping Australians install solar power systems and reducing their energy bills, thereby making Australia a cleaner and environmentally-friendlier place. Aussie Hybrid Solar is one of Australia’s longest running solar installation company with more than 200k solar panels and counting. For more information visit: https://aussiehybridsolar.com.au/
Discover Energy is open for electricity and gas in most states in Australia including NSW, SA, Act, VIC and South-east QLD. If you’re looking for cheap and cost effective electricity plans along with providing excellent customer service by us. Receive energy consultancy in all matters in your own language. If you’re interested or would like to consult about electricity and gas bills, message Mint, our Thai-speaking consultant, via Facebook or call 0481 968 995.
ในช่วงก่อนวันสงกรานต์ (February 2021) บริษัทไฟฟ้า Discover Energy มีความมุ่งมั่นที่จะทำการบริจาคและติดตั้งแผงโซล่าเซลล์ให้กับทางวัด Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney เพื่อทำการสนับสนุน Thai community! ทางเรามีความยินดีอย่างยิ่งที่ได้บอกเรื่องราวดีๆกับทุกคน ว่า “การติดตั้งนี้ได้เสร็จสมบูรณ์” แล้ว และขณะนี้ทางวัดได้ใช้ renewable energy ซึ่งเป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวด และยังช่วยทางวัดประหยัดค่าไฟฟ้ามากขึ้นกว่าเดิมด้วยค่ะ Discover energy ขอขอบคุณ One stop Warehouse ซึ่งเป็นบริษัท partner และ ขอขอบคุณบริษัท Aussie Hybrid Solar สำหรับบริจาคการติดตั้งแผงโซลาร์เซลล์ในครั้งนี้
Located in Berilee, NSW Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney provides essential support and outreach for the Thai community in Australia.
ตั้งแต่ปี 2009 Aussie Hybrid Solar ได้ช่วยออสเตรเลียในการติดตั้งระบบพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์และลดค่าไฟทำให้ออสเตรเลียเป็นสถานที่ที่สะอาดและเป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม Aussie Hybrid Solar เป็นหนึ่งใน บริษัท ติดตั้งพลังงานแสงโซลาร์เซลล์ที่ดำเนินกิจการมายาวนานที่สุดในออสเตรเลียโดยมีแผงโซลาร์เซลล์มากกว่า 200k และเพิ่มขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ สามารถดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ https://aussiehybridsolar.com.au/
Discover Energy เปิดให้บริการด้านไฟฟ้าทั้ง 4 แห่ง ได้แก่ NSW, SA QLD, VIC และ South-east QLD หากคุณกำลังมองหาบริการไฟฟ้าราคาถูกและคุ้มค่าพร้อมกับการให้บริการลูกค้าที่ยอดเยี่ยมจากเรา.ให้คำปรึกษาด้านพลังงานกับคุณในทุกเรื่องในภาษาเดียวกัน หากคุณสนใจหรือต้องการคำปรึกษาเกี่ยวกับค่าไฟฟ้าและแก๊สโปรดส่งข้อความหา Mint ที่ปรึกษาคนไทยของเรา ผ่านทาง Facebook หรือโทร 0481 968 995
Discover Energy has teamed up with OPPO to offer Aussies huge discounts on the latest smartphones and earphones just for becoming a customer.
For every new customer that signs up to Discover Energy, they will be rewarded with 20% off the price of a new smartphone from OPPO. As part of the sign up process the Discover Energy team will assist customers with placing an order for the tech upgrade.
Aussies that become a Discover Energy customer, but are also existing OPPO customers will receive a bonus pair of OPPO Enco W31 wireless earphones valued at $150 RRP.
Anson Zhang, Founder of Discover Energy said, “We are excited to partner with one of the world’s leading smart device manufacturers, OPPO, to offer our new customers huge discounts across the latest smartphones and OPPO ecosystem. As both brands are leaders in innovative technology that offers Australians smarter solutions, it made sense to come together to provide customers with the very best devices for everyday life.”
OPPO’s ecosystem spans smartphones, wearables and audio products in Australia. The range of products are renowned for premium designs and impressive specs, all at an attractive and affordable price. The OPPO Enco W31 earphones provide an immersive music experience and allow for 18.5 hours of music playback.
“Australians are savvy and know what they want – quality products inside and outside the home. Our latest smartphones all come with 5G and provide a premium experience without the price tag! Whilst our Enco W31’s are an ideal companion for those on the go, comfortable, water and dust resistant with intelligent touch controls and wear detection.” said Michael Tran, OPPO Australia Managing Director.
Discover Energy new customer offers:
New customers who sign up to Discover Energy, receive 20% discount off the original RRP when purchasing an OPPO smartphone.*
Existing OPPO customers that sign up to a Discover Energy account can receive a bonus set of OPPO Enco W31 wireless earphones (RRP $150) via redemption.* Use the code CPOPPO in the promotion code field, or mention OPPO to your sales consultant.
To take advantage of these incredible savings or learn more click here.
Offer is valid from 10 May 2021 – 30 June 2021. *T&Cs apply – for further information and full details, visit here.
之前,小编已经告诉过大家通过节约用电来降低自己的电费,今天,我又给大家带来了一个更加直接的降低电费的办法,就是拿补助! 我们都知道,澳洲是一个福利型的社会,那么,他们的补贴也是非常给力的。今天,我就来给大家介绍一个很多家庭都可以申请的一个补助——family energy rebate,让您的电费可以直降近200澳币! 下面,我就来大家好好说一下family energy rebate这个补助!
Discover Energy has officially opened in ACT. From 20 April 2021, Discover Energy will rollout their great-value, fuss-free plans and famous personalised, multilingual services for ACT households and businesses across the territory. Currently, only electricity services are available for ACT households, with gas services forthcoming. Discover Energy is also slated to open their Virtual Power Plant program for ACT customers end of May 2021.
Discover Energy is noted for its personalised customer service and focus on multilingual markets, with energy sales consultants offering English, Chinese, Korean,Vietnamese, Japanese and Thai speaking-services. Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese speaking customers can access translated versions of the Discover Energy website and the Discover App. Customers can also access 1:1 customer service and energy consultation 24/7 through a range of social media platforms such as WeChat (including a fully-integrated Discover Energy app), Facebook, LINE, Kakao and Zalo.
2.如果你们家由于某些原因,读表困难,且经常发生预估读数的情况,电力用户,可以考虑把普通电表更换成智能电表;新州天然气用户,可以下载一个天然气供应商jemena的app【Gas Meter Mate】,上传气表照片,这样jemena可以从系统内部直接更新您的读数情况,您天然气账单的读数也会更加准确哦!