A Sunny Story
Acts of kindness happen in unexpected ways. It happened that way to Sunny Lee, the General Manager of Operations at Discover Energy, who had a leaking roof. Here is her story.

I just want to share this wonderful thing that happened to me in the hope that it inspires you the same way. The story starts with a leaking roof. I have been wanting to fix it for a while, but I had not got around to it.
But, like so many people, I have been working from home lately due to the COVID-19 outbreak. So today, I called a roof tradesman to do the repair. I had never hired him before.
He was prompt on time, and in under 30 minutes, my roof was fixed!
I asked how much I owed him, and the tradesman said. “Don’t worry about the money. It was only 5-minute, job no need to pay. You know we all go through difficult times now with COVID-19, we are happy to help our neighbor.’
I was stunned by his generosity. I tried to pay him and thank him, but he refused.
This one act of kindness really resonated with me. I thought this should not stop here.
So, I would like to share this act of kindness with our Discover Energy community members.
The reason is to start something small that we can have control of when everything-else seems totally out of control these days.
You may think this is publicity from Discover Energy. It isn’t.
It’s about passing on the kindness I was given.
I hope, there will be people who would be touched by this story.
I will donate for the money which would have been paid to the tradesman to one of our Discover Energy customers who are currently unable to make their energy payment due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Discover Energy also donate to the customers who are currently having difficulty paying their energy bill.
The credit will appear appeared as a “kindness pandemic credit” on the next bill as we wish to continue the spirit of the trade man’s act of kindness.
If any fellow Discover Energy community members also wish to share this act of kindness, YOU can by sharing your credit balance and shout out to us by nominating the amount you wish to pay it forward to help other Discover Energy community members who are struggling to pay their energy bill. Please let us know at customerservice@discoverenergy.com.au.
This is totally voluntary; you do not have any obligation to do anything if you don’t wish to.
Be safe and take care of each other and your neighbours.
Donate With your My Account

Or donate to go fund me
Starting from donations by Discover Energy staff we hope you can join us in helping valuable charities such as St Vincent de Paul Society that are helping people who are struggling to pay basic utilities like electricity.
Or you can simply share some kindness and pay it forward.
If you’re having difficulty paying your energy bill, you could be eligible for help through the Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) Scheme. Speak with your electricity or gas supplier to find out what assistance might be available to you. If you’re not able to arrange a payment plan with your supplier, you can then contact an EAPA provider for an assessment. EAPA providers include St Vincent de Paul Society • Salvation Army Anglicare • Lifeline Mission Australia • Migrant Resource Centres • Independent Community and Neighbourhood Centres • Local Land Councils.
Keep an eye out for a bear in a window
A nationwide teddy bear hunt is helping to keep children occupied during the country’s School closures during Covid-19 safety action, with tens of thousands of homes taking part, and people still aloud to pair up or walk for a brief respite of exercise and fresh air take advantage and keep an eye out for teddies.

Inspired by the popular children’s book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen, the real-life bear hunt has been spotted in homes across Australia. Join in the fun and place a teddy bear in your street-facing window, allowing local children to “hunt” for bears in your neighborhood.
OK card initiative for the elderly
OK cards are appearing in the windows of elderly Australians. The cards are a unique way to ensure the wellbeing of our elderly neigbours during the coronavirus outbreak.

The I’m OK cards show one side of the card colored green with a happy face and the other side colored red with a sad face. Elderly who are in a lockdown can present the card in their window – Green for OK but if you see red you can lend some help and check-in (from a distance).
We have created some downloadable has created special red and green cards for their home care clients to display in their windows to let the organisation know if they need help.
“I’m OK cards”, with one side of the card coloured green with a happy face and the other side coloured red with a sad face.
Kindness on the Sidewalk
We spotted this happening around Sydney this week as people woke up to messages of encouragement written in colourful chalk. this might be a fun way to surprise your neighbour and bring a smile.

*Kindness Pandemic
Any funds donated to the Discover Energy Community will be directly credited towards customers requiring assistance.
Funds will be distributed evenly amongst eligible customers on the first day of each month.
Funds are not transferable or refundable
Credit amounts will appear on eligible customers invoices as a Discover Energy Community Fund credit.
To be eligible to receive Discover Energy Community funds customers must:
· Be a residential or small business customer; and
· Have an active Discover Energy Account; and
· Be participating in our hardship program; or
· Be actively receiving payment assistance from Discover Energy effective from 20th March 2020 onwards.
Fund allocations
Funds will be distributed evenly amongst all eligible customers on the first business day of each month.
Discover Energy customers wishing to donate directly to the Discover Energy community (helping Discover Energy customers on hardship) can do so through My Account, – Discover Energy Community Donations– and entering the amount you want to donate. This amount will be added to your next invoice as a charge titled – Kindness Pandemic – to be paid on the invoice due date.
For our solar customers – if you have solar credits on your account you can opt to donate the solar credits $ for $ towards the Discover Energy Community via
My Account – Discover Energy Donations – Solar Credit – and entering the amount you want to donate. This amount will be debited from your credit balance.
Or customers wishing to pay it forward to the larger community can donate at go fund me https://www.gofundme.com/f/share-a-kindness-pandemic