Why is Discover Energy a green energy retailer? Because renewable energy is at the very core of what we do. Here are a few more reasons:
No vested interests in power generation that’s not 100% green.
Unlike other retailers in the market, Discover Energy is privately owned by Aussie investors with no vested interests in carbon-intensive energy generation.
Our DNA is Solar
Thanks to our sister company One Stop Warehouse, our DNA is strictly solar. One Stop Warehouse is the largest solar distributor in Australia, and has sold more than 2 GW of solar – enough solar to cover more than 600,000 homes. Being backed by One Stop Warehouse gives our company unique expertise into solar and battery infrastructure.
Our R&D is completely focused on clean generation
Our R&D work – in building one of Australia’s most innovative and dynamic virtual power plants (VPPs) – is focused on helping ramp up the energy revolution, transforming the ways energy is created, delivered and consumed in this country. Any profits we make from retailing traditional energy is invested into this work.
Our dream is an Australia free from coal-intensive energy
We all know that electricity generation plays a significant role in fuelling our annual output of carbon emissions. Discover Energy’s dream is a country filled by households and businesses that are powerhouses of green energy, producing when it’s sunny and storing to deliver clean power to the electricity grid, instead of consuming vast amounts of coal-generated energy.
This dream is already becoming a reality
One of the things we’re proudest about as a company is that we’ve helped make this dream a reality for more than 1500 VPP households, who are increasingly independent from the grid, eliminating electricity bills and earning money through energy trading. Discover Energy is also working to launch electric vehicle plans and vehicle to grid options to also get more clean cars on the road.
Don’t have solar or battery yet? You can still make the greener choice with Discover Energy by choosing GreenPower.
When you select a 10%, 20% or 100% GreenPower accredited energy plan Discover Energy purchases the equivalent amount of renewable energy from certified GreenPower generators on your behalf. It’s an easy way to make your energy greener.
Sign up to a Discover Energy electricity or gas plan.
For more information on GreenPower visit: https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/electricities/green_power
For more information about the Discover Energy VPP visit: https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/vpp