Discover Energy has officially opened in ACT. From 20 April 2021, Discover Energy will rollout their great-value, fuss-free plans and famous personalised, multilingual services for ACT households and businesses across the territory. Currently, only electricity services are available for ACT households, with gas services forthcoming. Discover Energy is also slated to open their Virtual Power Plant program for ACT customers end of May 2021.
Discover Energy is noted for its personalised customer service and focus on multilingual markets, with energy sales consultants offering English, Chinese, Korean,Vietnamese, Japanese and Thai speaking-services. Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese speaking customers can access translated versions of the Discover Energy website and the Discover App. Customers can also access 1:1 customer service and energy consultation 24/7 through a range of social media platforms such as WeChat (including a fully-integrated Discover Energy app), Facebook, LINE, Kakao and Zalo.
Switch to Discover Energy for Smarter, Cheaper, Greener Energy. Visit https://www.discoverenergy.com.au/compare_plans or ring 1300 946 898 today