GreenPower has launched a fresh new logo and a new website, ushering a new era for accredited renewable energy for households and business. As an energy retailer committed to cleaner energy, we offer GreenPower products to help our customers make the greener choice for their energy needs.

What is GreenPower?
GreenPower is government certified, renewable energy that households and businesses can purchase. GreenPower comes from energy sourced from the sun, wind, water and waste which is considered as zero greenhouse gas emissions energy. When you opt-in to GreenPower, Discover Energy purchases GreenPower energy on your behalf. At Discover Energy, you can choose to opt-in to purchase GreenPower at 10%, 20% or 100% of your total energy consumption.

GreenPower is the easiest way to offset the environmental impact of your energy use, while ensuring that more accredited renewable energy generators are being integrated to the overall grid. It’s also an affordable green option too. On average, 100% GreenPower costs consumers around $8 a week* – the price of two cups of coffee!
Why join GreenPower?
Discover Energy electricity and gas customers
If you’re a traditional electricity customer with Discover Energy, the electricity you receive from the grid comes from a range of sources, including emission heavy options such as coal. By opting into GreenPower, any consumption you make will be partly or completely offset by an equivalent purchase of accredited renewable energy. It’s an easy but powerful way to make a difference and help guarantee a renewable energy future for all Australians.
How can I join?
New customer? Click here to view our GreenPower plans. Opt in to GreenPower when you sign up!
Existing customer? Login to My Account to add GreenPower to your plan
Discover Energy VPP customers
If you’re a solar and battery customer, chances are you are close to using 100% renewable energy. That’s fantastic! But sometimes on a cloudy day or when your consumption is high, you’ll sometimes need to access electricity from the traditional energy grid. By opting in to GreenPower with your VPP membership, you can ensure that your energy use really represents 100% renewable energy.
New customer? Opt in to GreenPower when you sign up!
Existing VPP customer? Login to My Account to add GreenPower to your plan
*According to the official GreenPower website, the outlay for 100% GreenPower for an average Australian household, which consumes around 15-18 kWh each day, is roughly 80c to $1.50 per day. Actual costs depend on price set by your energy retailer and your actual consumption.